

While We thought about this business, because of we faced so many issues in this cold climate and also less availability of Indian snacks. In particular, Barrie there is a smaller number of crunchy snacks that all local residents love to have. But because of a smaller number of shops which serve this type of product, they can't able to reach out all over the place to deliver the products. Additionally, there is less competition, so that they are selling products at high prices and people must have to buy that product with over price. Like this, there are so many problems in this business.

Well, we want to offer every individual, an application or a website from where they can order snacks at any time without any difficulty. As we know, there are so many students who study and also work together, sometimes they didn't get time to go shopping. They can able to snacks items and schedule their delivery time. If they immediate delivery, that can also possible. This application/website will remain for Indian or traditional snacks, who people love to have with the best prices. Because of this business, people don't have to pay as much as they are paying now for the snacks, and also, they get their snacks at their homes without any hassle.

Role in Project

This was a group project of 5 people. I am interested in UI/UX so the whole project's UI and flow were done by me. And I was mainly involved in the development part. We've made it in android using JAVA. and I start working on firebase connectivity and data store.

Our Process

............. Our Project in under progress .............

Here is our working code.


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Design Scheme

Gray and lite Blue have been the cold color for food or fresh things so we've used the same approach for this too.


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Poppins Regular Poppins Bold Poppins SemiBold

Crunch-It Team

Thanks for working with me and helping out with real world exprience.